Thursday, August 19, 2010

In a New York Minute...

A New York minute is much faster than a Texas minute. I bet if I was in New York I’d have a job by now. I love Texas too much, so I guess I’ll just have to keep waiting. Johnny Carson once joked that a New York minute is the amount of time between a traffic light turning green and the car behind you honking their horn, in New York of course. I have come to realize in recent days that what they say about the possibilities being endless is true. However, sometimes that isn’t enough. You need doors to open for you in the form of opportunities to achieve those possibilities. If I had the appropriate amount of money, I could pursue many possibilities.

($) Soda Money
($$) Gas Money
($$$) Electric Bill Money
($$$$) Mortgage Money

My Possibilities (in no particular order):

($$$) Start designing and building my own lamps, furniture, and accessories in hopes that someone would want to buy them.

($$$) Buy cheap furniture at yard sales and refurbish it for resale.

($$) Get off my whiny butt and start volunteering for Dwell with Dignity (a nonprofit organization that decorates free housing for deserving homeless families).

($$$$) Get a certification to become a teacher.

($$$$) Get a master’s degree to become a professional writer.

($) Keep writing my blog and hope the right person sees it someday.

($$) Work for free as an intern for an indefinite amount of time to gain experience, assuming there is a firm out there that has work for an intern, with all of the recent layoffs. No one wants to fetch coffee for free and learn nothing in return.

($) Continue to spend hours a day searching online job sites for “possibilities” that typically end in disappointment.

($) Peruse architecture and interior design company websites for job openings since no one ever advertises.

($$$$) Have some kiddos.

($$$$) Open my own store full of my crafty creations and furniture.

($$) Find seasonal work at Hobby Lobby, or find seasonal work for a business open primarily for Halloween or Christmas or any combination of the above.

($$$) Start a career in sales or claims adjusting.

($-$$$$) Mix and match any of the above.

As Billy Blanks says to me every day during my excruciating Tae-Bo workout, “You gotta give something to get something.”

I definitely know that something’s gotta give…

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