Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In Lieu of Flowers…

In lieu of flowers, please send motivation. By the time I’ve done everything around the house I need to do every day, I don’t feel like doing the fun stuff. Or I should say, after I’m distracted by soap operas and Farmville all day, I’m too drained for creativity. For a very long time, my good intentions have been suspended by my lack of motivation. For instance, I asked for a sewing machine two Christmases ago, got one, and have never used it. Really? With all this time on my hands? I love to do all kinds of crafty things but never seem to get around to doing very much. My intentions for that sewing machine include:

1. Creating some super awesome fashions that actually fit my body
2. Mending clothing and pillows, etc. that have been mistreated over the years
3. Producing some of the most unique pillows ever seen
4. Discovering unconventional things that can be sewn, i.e. cards

Sounds fun and creative, right? There’s just one thing missing…motivation. So, from now on, this blog is my motivation! It’s gonna get pretty boring with me just talking about blah, blah, blah all the time. So, I figure as a way to share my creativity, I’m going to have to start doing creative things more often. I'm falling behind on giving Martha a run for her money! (Random: I hate that gonna isn’t a word yet, according to spell-check!)

Other creative things I like to do that have fell off the radar lately:
• Making jewelry
• Designing light fixtures
• Converting trash into treasure
• Creating art (not like Picasso or anything)

Other things I hope to dabble in once I find said motivation:
 Woodworking
 Crocheting
 Gardening

Stick around to see me take a stab at pincushions (both puns intended)! They say pincushions are a good beginner project…

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