Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 379...

I'm tired, and I'm...(what?) only about a third through my projected life-span. Being a Christian is hard. It's a lot of work. It's being a servant. God calls us to put on Christ as we go about our days on this earth. We are to be immitators of Christ. Let me remind you that Christ was sinless and everything wonderful and good. How in the world can I ever live up to that example? I can't. I'm not worthy, but God tells me I have to try. If I want to get into Heaven, I have to try with everything I have every day of my life.
We all have good traits that we come by naturally. Some of us were even brought up with a great set of morals and values. So, it is possible that a lot of Jesus' attributes come easily to us and aren't so hard. However, I know every one of us has personality flaws that we wish we could change. I, for instance, wish it was easy for me to ignore unsettling things and not allow them to get under my skin. I think Jesus was pretty good at that. At least, he didn't react to his anger in a sinful way. I feel I could do better with that. But, I think I am a great encourager. I think it comes naturally for me to see where someone might need a kind word and feel compelled to speak it to them. So, I try to remember that when I'm not doing so well with the unpleasant anger thing.
It's so encouraging to look back and notice the progress that I've made in my walk with God. Some things that were difficult or far from my mind come more naturally to me now. I pray more often just because I know that I need help with everything. I spend more time in the Word, looking for encouragement at every turn. It is easier for me to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, as I have learned that when I tell myself bad things, I think bad things. I make healthier choices regarding food, portions, and exercise without a struggle, since I have replaced so many bad habits with good ones. Practice makes perfect.
Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

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